
class HierarchicalPipeline(reconciliator: etna.reconciliation.base.BaseReconciliator, model: Union[etna.models.base.NonPredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel, etna.models.base.NonPredictionIntervalContextRequiredAbstractModel, etna.models.base.PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantAbstractModel, etna.models.base.PredictionIntervalContextRequiredAbstractModel], transforms: Sequence[etna.transforms.base.Transform] = (), horizon: int = 1)[source]

Bases: etna.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline

Pipeline of transforms with a final estimator for hierarchical time series data.


Aggregation of target quantiles and components is performed along with the target itself. It uses a provided hierarchical structure and a reconciliation method.

Create instance of HierarchicalPipeline with given parameters.



Estimation of forecast intervals with forecast(prediction_interval=True) method and BottomUpReconciliator may be not reliable.




backtest(ts, metrics[, n_folds, mode, ...])

Run backtest with the pipeline.


Fit the HierarchicalPipeline.

forecast([ts, prediction_interval, ...])

Make a forecast of the next points of a dataset at a target level.

load(path[, ts])

Load an object.


Get hyperparameter grid to tune.

predict([ts, start_timestamp, ...])

Make in-sample predictions on dataset at the target level in a given range.

raw_forecast(ts[, prediction_interval, ...])

Make a forecast of the next points of a dataset at the source level.

raw_predict(ts[, start_timestamp, ...])

Make in-sample predictions on dataset at the source level in a given range.


Save the object.


Return new object instance with modified parameters.


Collect all information about etna object in dict.


fit(ts: etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset) etna.pipeline.hierarchical_pipeline.HierarchicalPipeline[source]

Fit the HierarchicalPipeline.

Fit and apply given transforms to the data, then fit the model on the transformed data. Provided hierarchical dataset will be aggregated to the source level before fitting pipeline.


ts (etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset) – Dataset with hierarchical timeseries data


Fitted HierarchicalPipeline instance

Return type


forecast(ts: Optional[etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset] = None, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), n_folds: int = 3, return_components: bool = False) etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset[source]

Make a forecast of the next points of a dataset at a target level.

The result of forecasting starts from the last point of ts, not including it.

Method makes a prediction for target at the source level of hierarchy and then makes reconciliation to target level.

  • ts (Optional[etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset]) – Dataset to forecast. If not given, dataset given during :py:meth:fit is used.

  • prediction_interval (bool) – If True returns prediction interval for forecast

  • quantiles (Sequence[float]) – Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% taken to form a 95% prediction interval

  • n_folds (int) – Number of folds to use in the backtest for prediction interval estimation

  • return_components (bool) – If True additionally returns forecast components


Dataset with predictions at the target level of hierarchy.

Return type


classmethod load(path: pathlib.Path, ts: Optional[etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset] = None) etna.pipeline.hierarchical_pipeline.HierarchicalPipeline[source]

Load an object.


Loaded object.

Return type


predict(ts: Optional[etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset] = None, start_timestamp: Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp] = None, end_timestamp: Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp] = None, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False) etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset[source]

Make in-sample predictions on dataset at the target level in a given range.

Method makes a prediction for target at the source level of hierarchy and then makes reconciliation to the target level.

Currently, in situation when segments start with different timestamps we only guarantee to work with start_timestamp >= beginning of all segments.

  • ts (Optional[etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset]) – Dataset to make predictions on. If not given, dataset given during :py:meth:fit is used.

  • start_timestamp (Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]) – First timestamp of prediction range to return, should be >= than first timestamp in ts; expected that beginning of each segment <= start_timestamp; if isn’t set the first timestamp where each segment began is taken.

  • end_timestamp (Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]) – Last timestamp of prediction range to return; if isn’t set the last timestamp of ts is taken. Expected that value is less or equal to the last timestamp in ts.

  • prediction_interval (bool) – If True returns prediction interval for forecast.

  • quantiles (Sequence[float]) – Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% taken to form a 95% prediction interval.

  • return_components (bool) – If True additionally returns forecast components.


Dataset with predictions at the target level in [start_timestamp, end_timestamp] range.

Return type


raw_forecast(ts: etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.25, 0.75), n_folds: int = 3, return_components: bool = False) etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset[source]

Make a forecast of the next points of a dataset at the source level.

The result of forecasting starts from the last point of ts, not including it.

  • ts (etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset) – Dataset to forecast

  • prediction_interval (bool) – If True returns prediction interval for forecast

  • quantiles (Sequence[float]) – Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% taken to form a 95% prediction interval

  • n_folds (int) – Number of folds to use in the backtest for prediction interval estimation

  • return_components (bool) – If True additionally returns forecast components


Dataset with predictions at the source level

Return type


raw_predict(ts: etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset, start_timestamp: Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp] = None, end_timestamp: Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp] = None, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False) etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset[source]

Make in-sample predictions on dataset at the source level in a given range.

  • ts (etna.datasets.tsdataset.TSDataset) – Dataset to make predictions on. If not given, dataset given during :py:meth:fit is used.

  • start_timestamp (Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]) – First timestamp of prediction range to return, should be >= than first timestamp in ts; expected that beginning of each segment <= start_timestamp; if isn’t set the first timestamp where each segment began is taken.

  • end_timestamp (Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]) – Last timestamp of prediction range to return; if isn’t set the last timestamp of ts is taken. Expected that value is less or equal to the last timestamp in ts.

  • prediction_interval (bool) – If True returns prediction interval for forecast.

  • quantiles (Sequence[float]) – Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% taken to form a 95% prediction interval.

  • return_components (bool) – If True additionally returns forecast components.


Dataset with predictions at the source level in [start_timestamp, end_timestamp] range.

Return type


save(path: pathlib.Path)[source]

Save the object.


path (pathlib.Path) – Path to save object to.