Source code for etna.models.mixins

import zipfile
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence

import dill
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing_extensions import Self

from etna.core.mixins import SaveMixin
from etna.datasets.tsdataset import TSDataset
from etna.models.decorators import log_decorator

[docs]class ModelForecastingMixin(ABC): """Base class for model mixins.""" @abstractmethod def _forecast(self, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: pass @abstractmethod def _predict(self, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: pass @abstractmethod def _forecast_components(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: pass @abstractmethod def _predict_components(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: pass def _add_target_components( self, ts: TSDataset, predictions: TSDataset, components_prediction_method: Callable, return_components: bool ): if return_components: target_components_df = components_prediction_method(ts=ts) predictions.add_target_components(target_components_df=target_components_df)
[docs]class NonPredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin(ModelForecastingMixin): """Mixin for models that don't support prediction intervals and don't need context for prediction."""
[docs] def forecast(self, ts: TSDataset, return_components: bool = False) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features return_components: If True additionally returns forecast components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ forecast = self._forecast(ts=ts) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=forecast, components_prediction_method=self._forecast_components, return_components=return_components, ) return forecast
[docs] def predict(self, ts: TSDataset, return_components: bool = False) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions with using true values as autoregression context if possible (teacher forcing). Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features return_components: If True additionally returns prediction components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ prediction = self._predict(ts=ts) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=prediction, components_prediction_method=self._predict_components, return_components=return_components, ) return prediction
[docs]class NonPredictionIntervalContextRequiredModelMixin(ModelForecastingMixin): """Mixin for models that don't support prediction intervals and need context for prediction."""
[docs] def forecast(self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_size: int, return_components: bool = False) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_size: Number of last timestamps to leave after making prediction. Previous timestamps will be used as a context for models that require it. return_components: If True additionally returns forecast components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ forecast = self._forecast(ts=ts, prediction_size=prediction_size) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=forecast, components_prediction_method=self._forecast_components, return_components=return_components, ) return forecast
[docs] def predict(self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_size: int, return_components: bool = False) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions with using true values as autoregression context if possible (teacher forcing). Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_size: Number of last timestamps to leave after making prediction. Previous timestamps will be used as a context for models that require it. return_components: If True additionally returns prediction components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ prediction = self._predict(ts=ts, prediction_size=prediction_size) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=prediction, components_prediction_method=self._predict_components, return_components=return_components, ) return prediction
[docs]class PredictionIntervalContextIgnorantModelMixin(ModelForecastingMixin): """Mixin for models that support prediction intervals and don't need context for prediction."""
[docs] def forecast( self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False, ) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% are taken to form a 95% prediction interval return_components: If True additionally returns forecast components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ forecast = self._forecast(ts=ts, prediction_interval=prediction_interval, quantiles=quantiles) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=forecast, components_prediction_method=self._forecast_components, return_components=return_components, ) return forecast
[docs] def predict( self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False, ) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions with using true values as autoregression context if possible (teacher forcing). Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% are taken to form a 95% prediction interval return_components: If True additionally returns prediction components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ prediction = self._predict(ts=ts, prediction_interval=prediction_interval, quantiles=quantiles) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=prediction, components_prediction_method=self._predict_components, return_components=return_components, ) return prediction
[docs]class PredictionIntervalContextRequiredModelMixin(ModelForecastingMixin): """Mixin for models that support prediction intervals and need context for prediction."""
[docs] def forecast( self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_size: int, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False, ) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_size: Number of last timestamps to leave after making prediction. Previous timestamps will be used as a context for models that require it. prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% are taken to form a 95% prediction interval return_components: If True additionally returns forecast components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ forecast = self._forecast( ts=ts, prediction_size=prediction_size, prediction_interval=prediction_interval, quantiles=quantiles ) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=forecast, components_prediction_method=self._forecast_components, return_components=return_components, ) return forecast
[docs] def predict( self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_size: int, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False, ) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions with using true values as autoregression context if possible (teacher forcing). Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_size: Number of last timestamps to leave after making prediction. Previous timestamps will be used as a context for models that require it. prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% are taken to form a 95% prediction interval return_components: If True additionally returns prediction components Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ prediction = self._predict( ts=ts, prediction_size=prediction_size, prediction_interval=prediction_interval, quantiles=quantiles ) self._add_target_components( ts=ts, predictions=prediction, components_prediction_method=self._predict_components, return_components=return_components, ) return prediction
[docs]class PerSegmentModelMixin(ModelForecastingMixin): """Mixin for holding methods for per-segment prediction.""" def __init__(self, base_model: Any): """ Init PerSegmentModelMixin. Parameters ---------- base_model: Internal model which will be used to forecast segments, expected to have fit/predict interface """ self._base_model = base_model self._models: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
[docs] @log_decorator def fit(self, ts: TSDataset) -> "PerSegmentModelMixin": """Fit model. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features Returns ------- : Model after fit """ self._models = {} for segment in ts.segments: self._models[segment] = deepcopy(self._base_model) for segment, model in self._models.items(): segment_features = ts[:, segment, :] segment_features = segment_features.dropna() # TODO: segment_features = segment_features.droplevel("segment", axis=1) segment_features = segment_features.reset_index(), regressors=ts.regressors) return self
def _get_model(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get internal etna base models that are used inside etna class. Returns ------- : dictionary where key is segment and value is internal model """ if self._models is None: raise ValueError("Can not get the dict with base models, the model is not fitted!") return self._models
[docs] def get_model(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get internal models that are used inside etna class. Internal model is a model that is used inside etna to forecast segments, e.g. :py:class:`catboost.CatBoostRegressor` or :py:class:`sklearn.linear_model.Ridge`. Returns ------- : dictionary where key is segment and value is internal model """ internal_models = {} for segment, base_model in self._get_model().items(): if not hasattr(base_model, "get_model"): raise NotImplementedError( f"get_model method is not implemented for {self._base_model.__class__.__name__}" ) internal_models[segment] = base_model.get_model() return internal_models
@staticmethod def _make_predictions_segment( model: Any, segment: str, df: pd.DataFrame, prediction_method: Callable, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Make predictions for one segment.""" segment_features = df[segment] segment_features = segment_features.reset_index() dates = segment_features["timestamp"] dates.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) segment_predict = prediction_method(self=model, df=segment_features, **kwargs) if isinstance(segment_predict, np.ndarray): segment_predict = pd.DataFrame({"target": segment_predict}) segment_predict["segment"] = segment prediction_size = kwargs.get("prediction_size") if prediction_size is not None: segment_predict["timestamp"] = dates[-prediction_size:].reset_index(drop=True) else: segment_predict["timestamp"] = dates return segment_predict def _make_predictions(self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_method: Callable, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataframe with features prediction_method: Method for making predictions Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ result_list = list() df = ts.to_pandas() models = self._get_model() for segment in ts.segments: if segment not in models: raise NotImplementedError("Per-segment models can't make predictions on new segments!") segment_model = models[segment] segment_predict = self._make_predictions_segment( model=segment_model, segment=segment, df=df, prediction_method=prediction_method, **kwargs ) result_list.append(segment_predict) result_df = pd.concat(result_list, ignore_index=True) result_df = result_df.set_index(["timestamp", "segment"]) df = ts.to_pandas(flatten=True) df = df.set_index(["timestamp", "segment"]) # clear values to be filled, otherwise during in-sample prediction new values won't be set columns_to_clear = result_df.columns.intersection(df.columns) df.loc[result_df.index, columns_to_clear] = np.NaN df = df.combine_first(result_df).reset_index() df = TSDataset.to_dataset(df) ts.df = df prediction_size = kwargs.get("prediction_size") if prediction_size is not None: ts.df = ts.df.iloc[-prediction_size:] return ts def _make_component_predictions(self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_method: Callable, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Make target component predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_method: Method for making components predictions Returns ------- : DataFrame with predicted components """ features_df = ts.to_pandas() result_list = list() for segment, model in self._get_model().items(): segment_predict = self._make_predictions_segment( model=model, segment=segment, df=features_df, prediction_method=prediction_method, **kwargs ) result_list.append(segment_predict) target_components_df = pd.concat(result_list, ignore_index=True) target_components_df = TSDataset.to_dataset(target_components_df) return target_components_df @log_decorator def _forecast(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: if hasattr(self._base_model, "forecast"): return self._make_predictions(ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.forecast, **kwargs) return self._make_predictions(ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict, **kwargs) @log_decorator def _predict(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: return self._make_predictions(ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict, **kwargs) @log_decorator def _forecast_components(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: if hasattr(self._base_model, "forecast_components"): return self._make_component_predictions( ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.forecast_components, **kwargs ) return self._make_component_predictions( ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict_components, **kwargs ) @log_decorator def _predict_components(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._make_component_predictions( ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict_components, **kwargs )
[docs]class MultiSegmentModelMixin(ModelForecastingMixin): """Mixin for holding methods for multi-segment prediction. It currently isn't working with prediction intervals and context. """ def __init__(self, base_model: Any): """ Init MultiSegmentModel. Parameters ---------- base_model: Internal model which will be used to forecast segments, expected to have fit/predict interface """ self._base_model = base_model
[docs] @log_decorator def fit(self, ts: TSDataset) -> "MultiSegmentModelMixin": """Fit model. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features Returns ------- : Model after fit """ df = ts.to_pandas(flatten=True) df = df.dropna() # TODO: df = df.drop(columns="segment"), regressors=ts.regressors) return self
def _make_predictions(self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_method: Callable, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_method: Method for making predictions Returns ------- : Dataset with predictions """ horizon = len(ts.df) x = ts.to_pandas(flatten=True).drop(["segment"], axis=1) # TODO: make it work with prediction intervals and context y = prediction_method(self=self._base_model, df=x, **kwargs).reshape(-1, horizon).T ts.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice[:, "target"]] = y return ts def _make_component_predictions(self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_method: Callable, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Make target component predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_method: Method for making components predictions Returns ------- : DataFrame with predicted components """ features_df = ts.to_pandas(flatten=True) segment_column = features_df["segment"].values features_df = features_df.drop(["segment"], axis=1) # TODO: make it work with prediction intervals and context target_components_df = prediction_method(self=self._base_model, df=features_df, **kwargs) target_components_df["segment"] = segment_column target_components_df["timestamp"] = features_df["timestamp"] target_components_df = TSDataset.to_dataset(target_components_df) return target_components_df @log_decorator def _forecast(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: if hasattr(self._base_model, "forecast"): return self._make_predictions(ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.forecast, **kwargs) return self._make_predictions(ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict, **kwargs) @log_decorator def _predict(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> TSDataset: return self._make_predictions(ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict, **kwargs) @log_decorator def _forecast_components(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: if hasattr(self._base_model, "forecast_components"): return self._make_component_predictions( ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.forecast_components, **kwargs ) return self._make_component_predictions( ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict_components, **kwargs ) @log_decorator def _predict_components(self, ts: TSDataset, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._make_component_predictions( ts=ts, prediction_method=self._base_model.__class__.predict_components, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_model(self) -> Any: """Get internal model that is used inside etna class. Internal model is a model that is used inside etna to forecast segments, e.g. :py:class:`catboost.CatBoostRegressor` or :py:class:`sklearn.linear_model.Ridge`. Returns ------- : Internal model """ if not hasattr(self._base_model, "get_model"): raise NotImplementedError(f"get_model method is not implemented for {self._base_model.__class__.__name__}") return self._base_model.get_model()
[docs]class SaveNNMixin(SaveMixin): """Implementation of ``AbstractSaveable`` torch related classes. It saves object to the zip archive with 2 files: * metadata.json: contains library version and class name. * object saved by ````. """ def _save_state(self, archive: zipfile.ZipFile): import torch with"", "w") as output_file:, output_file, pickle_module=dill) @classmethod def _load_state(cls, archive: zipfile.ZipFile) -> Self: import torch with"", "r") as input_file: return torch.load(input_file, pickle_module=dill)